Please use the software supplied with your MP3 player to transfer the tracks to your MP3 player. The tracks on the CD are already in MP3 format, so will generally need to be copied to your 'library', and then transferred to your MP3 player.
The MP3 tracks have file names like the example below:
Example file name: 1_001_SPA1_S01
From the example above:
1 is the course level (which would be 1, 2, 3 or 4 depending on your purchase)
001 is the track number.
SPA1 is a 3 letter abbreviation for the course language, followed by the course level (so in the example, SPA1 is a Spanish level 1 course).
S01 refers to the section number of the course. Full courses are divided into 10 or 11 sections.
Please note that there are a group of files that end in 'GLOSS' rather than a section number. These tracks contain a recap of the glossary of vocabulary used during the course, and can be referred to whenever suits, but ideally after you have completed sections 1-10 (or 11) of the course.
You should begin your study at track 001, followed by track 002, and so on.